COPELABS Coordination: Rute Sofia
ULOOP is an EU IST FP7 STREP project which brings in a fresh approach to user-centricity by exploring user-provided networking aspects in a way that expands the reach of a multi-access backbone. ULOOP main expected results are user-centric open-source software and a large-scale realistic demonstrator.
The ULOOP consortium holds a total of 11 partners including 3 operators, 2 access vendors, 1 software house, 4 universities, as well as 1 R&D Laboratory.
- Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, (FR) - coordinator
- COFAC c.r.l./University Lusófona (PT) - scientific coordinator
- Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH (DE)
- ARIA S.p.A (IT)
- Caixa Mágica Software Lda (PT)
- FON Wireless Ltd (UK)
- Technische Universität Berlin (DE)
- University of Kent (UK)
- Université de Genève (CH)
- Level7 srlu (IT)
- University of Urbino (IT)
- Rute Sofia (scientific project coordination)
- Paulo Mendes
- Luis Amaral Lopes
- Jonnahtan Saltarin
Additional researchers involved (external)
- Waldir Moreira
- Tauseef Jamal
E-mail: rute dot sofia at ulusofona dot pt
Project ULOOP has received funding from the EU IST Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 257418