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universidade lusófona
Integrated researchers

Lúcio Studer Ferreira

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Lúcio Studer Ferreira (Ph.D., IEEE Senior Member) is a lecturer and researcher at Lusófona University, Portugal working in the fields of computer science and wireless communications. He is the director of the Computer Engineering Undergraduate Course and head of the Computer Science Department at Lusófona University. He obtained Engineering (1997) and Ph.D. (2013) degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Técnico/Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. He holds certifications in Project Management (2015, IPMA) and IT Service Management (2015, ITIL), and has attended 27 certified courses in the area of IT and telecommunications. His areas of expertise are wireless and mobile communications as well as web-based integrated IT solutions. As a professor, he has been a lecturer at Universidade Lusófona, Universidade da Beira Interior, Universidade Lusíada, and ISTEC. He is/was a supervisor of 3 Ph.D. and 17 M.Sc. theses, as well as 30 final projects in Lusófona, Técnico, UBI, and ISCTE. He authored more than 60 papers in international and national journals and conferences. He was invited reviewer of international research partnerships. He served as chair in 21 international conferences and was a technical committee member and reviewer of 36 international conferences and workshops. As a researcher and project manager, he worked at Deutsche Telekom Innovation Laboratories, IST, Instituto de Telecomunicações, INOV-INESC, INESC-ID, COMEGI, Multivision Consulting, and COPELABS. He participated in 18 projects within European frameworks as a researcher and project manager. As editor and as author he contributed to more than 66 technical reports and 20 prototypes, peer-reviewed, approved, and funded by the EC. He also acted as a consultant for ANACOM national regulator, mobile operators (NOS, Vodafone, and MEO), and transport operators (Metropolitano de Lisboa, Transportes Metropolitanos de Lisboa). He was elected IEEE senior member in 2018 and is currently a board member of the IEEE Communications Society Portugal Chapter.