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universidade lusófona
Integrated researchers

Daniel Silvestre

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Dr. Daniel Silvestre received his B.Sc. in Computer Networks in 2008 from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon, Portugal, and an M.Sc. in Advanced Computing in 2009 from the Imperial College London, United Kingdom. In 2017, Dr. Silvestre got his Ph.D. (with the highest honors) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the former university, and during this period he spent three months visiting his co-supervisor (Joao Hespanha) at University of California at Santa Barbara. Currently, Dr. Silvestre holds a tenure-track position as an Assistant Professor at School of Science and Technology from the NOVA University of Lisbon and conducts his research at COPELABS and the Institute for Systems and Robotics, both in Lisbon (PT). Dr. Daniel Silvestre has authored 17 journal papers in Q1 journal with 10 being in venues over the 92-percentile and, 20 conference papers. His research interests span the fields of fault detection and isolation, distributed systems, network control systems, computer networks, randomized algorithms and nonlinear optimization.