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universidade lusófona

REMARKABLE - Rural Environmental Monitoring via ultra wide-ARea networKs And distriButed federated Learning


Internet of Things (IoT) technology combined with complementary support for data analytics is the cornerstone of today's digital transformation. The societal and economic impact of IoT/ML systems in urban and suburban areas significantly outpaces the one in rural areas due to a limited reach of connectivity infrastructure. To reverse further widening of the urban-rural gap, we need to bring efficient and affordable IoT/ML solutions to deep rural areas, reaching out to applications and use cases ranging from wildlife management, rural tourism, livestock monitoring, water and air pollution control, and others. By identifying main gaps in connectivity and affordable data analytics and through interleaved research, development, and validation in a real-world setting, REMARKABLE will address the challenge of bringing IoT and data analytics systems a step closer to seamless, energy efficient, and secure deployment in rural areas. The consortium composed of six European academic partners, five companies, and five associated partners representing leading academic groups from Africa, will focus on research, development, innovation, and demonstration across five use cases with six demonstration sites located in rural areas across the European and African continent. The interdisciplinary nature of the programme provides a unique opportunity for the investigation of smart sensing, IoT, and data science technology from non-traditional, holistic perspectives leading to new scientific achievements and innovations. Project outputs like smart IoT sensors and devices, rural IoT digital twining platforms, ultra wide-area IoT networks, novel data analytics models, and architectures will find their routes to the market via active industrial partners. The project will impact the EU workforce market via new interdisciplinary skills for young contributors and form new long-lasting networks of European and African institutions in the area of sensing, IoT, big data analytics, and rural entrepreneurship.

REMARKABLE will exploit and build upon a number of identified complementarities through new academic/non-academic and inter-sectoral staff exchange and (co)supervision arrangements, extensive intra-consortium secondments, joint development of demos and collaborations in teams, intra- and inter-WP collaboration, potential dual-PhD arrangements through cotutelle or similar contracts, joint event organization, and other activities.

Researchers from Lusófona University interested in participating in this research project and completing secondments can send their CV to Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ter o JavaScript autorizado para o visualizar.

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