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universidade lusófona

FCT UMM: User-centric Mobility Management (SITI)


COPELABS Coordination: Rute Sofia

UMM (User-centric Mobility Management) is a project focused on global mobility management in spontaneous wireless environments, i.e., environments that self-adjust to any network topology change. Global mobility management is addressed from a network perspective, and the purpose is to ensure a transparent access to Internet services (e.g Triple Play) for the end-user, who will be able to access his/her subscribed services independently from access attachment point, location, and based upon his/her own requirements (“Quality of Experience”, QoE). In addition, global mobility management is to be analyzed from a de-centralized perspective, given that environments to be considered will incorporate wireless local-loops that are based upon end-user willingness to cooperate.

The project has been coordinated by COPELABS, SITI, and had as participating entity Institute of Telecommunications in Aveiro. The project was sponsored by Fundacao para a CIencia e Tecnologia between 2010 and 2013.

  • Project reference:PTDC/EEA-TEL/105709/2008
  • Principal Researcher: Rute C. Sofia
  • Support granted:103.380,00


  • Andréa Nascimento and Rute C. Sofia, Decoupling control and data plane of MIPv6 - ns2.33 extension, SITI Software SITI-SW-12-01, 2012
  • Rute C. Sofia and Christian da Silva Pereira, Mtracker v2.0, SITI-SW-12-07, 2012
  • Andréa Nascimento, Rute Sofia, MIPv6 patch for NS-2 2.33, SITI-SW-11-02, 2011
  • Tiago Condeixa, Studying Decentralized Mobility with several approach ns3.14-SW-..., 2012
  • Tiago Condeixa, Dynamic Mobile IP Anchoring implemented in ns3.16, ITAv-SW-..., 2013.
  • Carlos Frade and Tiago Condeixa, DMIPA testbed, ITAv-SW2-13,2013. 


  • Tiago Condeixa, Alfredo Matos, Susana Sargento, Andréa Nascimento and Rute C. Sofia, UMM D1: User-centric Mobility Management, Use-cases, SITI, Univ Lusófona & Instituto de Telecomunicações, Aveiro, number SITI-TR-11-04, 2011
  • Andréa Nascimento, Rute C. Sofia, Tiago Condeixa and Susana Sargento, UMM Work package 3: User-centric Mobility Management Technical Report 2011/2012, SITI, Universidade Lusófona and IT Universidade de Aveiro, number SITI-TR-12-02, 2012
  • Andréa Nascimento and Rute C. Sofia, UMM D3: Report on DMM Related Standardization Activies, SITI, Universidade Lusófona and IT/Universidade de Aveiro, number SITI-TR-12-04, 2012
  • Tiago Condeixa, Susana Sargento, Andréa Nascimento and Rute C. Sofia, UMM Work Package 2: Handover Management Optimization Technical Report 2011/2012, SITi, Universidade Lusófona and IT/Universidade Aveiro, number SITI-TR-12-01, 2012


  • Namusale Chama and Rute C. Sofia, Redifining Link Duration: Making Routing Sensitive to Mobility (2010), in: IEEE GLOBECOM SWN 2010 Workshop
  • Tiago Condeixa, Ricardo Matos, Alfredo Matos, Susana Sargento and Rute C. Sofia, A New Perspective on Mobility Management Scenarios and Approaches (2010), in: MONAMI 2010: 2nd International ICST Conference on Mobile Networks And Management
  • Namusale Chama and Rute C. Sofia, Characterizing Multihop Routing Requirements for Node Mobility Suport, in: CRC 2010, Braga,Portugal, pages 201-203, 2010
  • Andréa Nascimento, Rute C. Sofia, Tiago Condeixa and Susana Sargento, A Characterization of Mobile Management in User-centric Networks (2011), in: 11th international conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking (New2AN 2011)
  • Andréa Nascimento, Rute C. Sofia, Tiago Condeixa, Susana Sargento and Ricardo Matos, User-centric Mobility Management, TNC 2011, 2011
  • Andréa Nascimento, Rute C. Sofia, Tiago Condeixa and Susana Sargento, A Decoupling Approach for Distributed Mobility Management (2012), in: The Second Workshop on Cooperative Heterogeneous Networks (coHetNet 2012) , ICCCN 2012.
  • Tiago Condeixa, Susana Sargento, Andréa Nascimento and Rute C. Sofia, Decoupling and Distribution of Mobility Management (2012), in: 4th International Workshop on Mobility Management in the Networks of the Future World (MobiWorld)/Globecom 2012
  • Tiago Condeixa, Lucas Gardalben, Tome Gomes, Susana Sargento and Rute C. Sofia, Make-Without-Break Horizontal IP Handovers for Distributed Mobility Management Schemes (2013), in: IEEE Globecom 2013 Workshop - Management of Emerging Networks and Services, October 2013
  • Michael Gorawski, Enrica Zola, Krzysztof Grochla, Francisco Barcelo-Arroyo, Israel Martin-Escalona, Andréa Ribeiro and Rute C. Sofia, New Trends in Mobility Modelling and Handover Prediction, chapter To Appear, Springer, LCNS, 2014
  • Rute C. Sofia, Tiago Condeixa and Ricardo Matos, Integration of Multihop Wireless Links in User-centric Mobility (2014), in: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Sydney, Australia, June 2014
  • T. Condeixa and S. Sargento, Dynamic Mobile IP Anchoring, ICC 2013
  • T. Condeixa and S. Sargento, Studying the Integration of Distributed and Dynamic Schemes in the Mobility Management, Elsevier Computer Networks