ESF Cost Action IC906 WiNeMo (SITI)

COPELABS Coordination: Paulo Mendes
The Internet of the Future will incorporate a large number of autonomous wireless objects moving with diverse patterns and speeds while communicating via several radio interfaces. Examples of such objects may include humans, cars or unmanned aerial vehicles, with every object acting as a networking device generating, relaying and/or absorbing data. Achieving the Internet of the Future, will require global interoperability amongst objects/devices, not typically commonplace due to inherent features of today’s Internet. To overcome current shortcomings, a number of research challenges have to be addressed in the area of networking, including protocol engineering, development of applications and services, as well as realistic use-cases. The Action will increase the knowledge and coordinate research efforts of national and international projects in the area of Wireless Networking for Moving Objects (WiNeMO).
COPELABS elements in the MC
- Paulo Mendes
- Rute Sofia (substitute member)
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