EU Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have more than 128 cybersecurity academic programs (undergraduate and graduate) as identified by ENISA (CyberHEAD), JRC (ATLAS) and a variety of reports by the 4 pilot projects (Sparta, CyberSec4Europe, ECHO, CONCORDIA). These academic programs, with their static curricula, do not provide the dynamic capabilities and emerging skills needed in the market. The digital transformation imposes the HEIs to enhance their role in preparing the new generation workforce and to upskill the existing one in meeting the challenging and ever-growing cybersecurity challenges (e.g., massive AI attacks).
Seventeen (17) HEIs and thirteen (13) security companies from sixteen (16) Member States propose the agile CyberSecPro professional cybersecurity practical and hands-on training program that will complement, support and advance the existing academic programs by linking innovation, research, industry, academia and SME support. CyberSecPro aims to bridge the gap between degrees, working-life and marketable cybersecurity skill sets necessary in the digitalization efforts and become the best practice for all cybersecurity training programs.
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