CitySense Large-Scale Sensing in Urban Scenario
COPELABS coordination: Paulo Mendes
This project aims at developing a novel urban opportunistic sensing system able to augment the user daily experience based on the intelligent analysis of sensorial data opportunistically collected and shared over a large set of personal devices. This project has three building blocks: i) methods and algorithms for the analysis of data collected by distributed pervasive devices; ii) augmented user experience and usability; iii) data sharing systems able to support users’ privacy while taking advantage of available social networking platforms.
Duration: 2012-2016
Funding: internal
Team: Paulo Mendes (coordination), Rute Sofia (2012-2016), Luis Lopes (2012-2016), Waldir Moreira (2012-2016), Pallavalli Reddy (2015-2016), Saeik Firdose (2015-2016), Miguel Tavares (2016-2017), Omar Aponte (2017)
- Tavares, M.; Saeik, F.; Sofia, Rute C.; Mendes, Paulo, NSense v2.0. COPE-SITI-SW-16-07, 2016
- Saeik Firdose, Luis Amaral Lopes, Waldir Moreira, Rute C. Sofia, and Paulo Mendes, NSense v1.0, COPE-SITI-SW-16-02, 2016
- Saeik Firdose, Luis Amaral Lopes, Waldir Moreira, Rute C. Sofia, and Paulo Mendes, USENSE v1.0, COPE-SW-15-01, 2015
- Saeik Firdose, Luis Amaral Lopes, Waldir Moreira, Paulo Mendes, and Rute C. Sofia, Nsense v1.0 Data Set II
- Saeik Firdose, Luis Amaral Lopes, Waldir Moreira, Paulo Mendes, and Rute C. Sofia, NSense traces, social interaction and propinquity analysis, 2015
- Luis Amaral Lopes, Saeik Firdose, Rute C. Sofia, and Paulo Mendes, USENSE: a People-centric Opportunistic Sensing Tool (2016), in: Infocom 2016
- Rute C. Sofia, Saeik Firdose, Luis Amaral Lopes, Waldir Moreira, and Paulo Mendes, NSense: A People-centric, non-intrusive Opportunistic Sensing Tool for Contextualizing Social Interaction (2016), in: IEEE Healthcom 2016
- Waldir Moreira and Paulo Mendes, Pervasive Data Sharing as Enabler for Mobile Citizen Sensing Systems, in: IEEE Communications Magazine, 2015
- Waldir Moreira and Paulo Mendes, Dynamics of Social-aware Pervasive Networks, in: Proc. of IEEE PERCOM workshop (PerMoby), 2015
- Paulo Mendes and Waldir Moreira, Crowd Assisted Approach for Pervasive Opportunistic Sensing, in: Proc. of IEEE PERCOM workshop (CASPer), 2015
- Rute C. Sofia, A Tool to Estimate Roaming Behavior in Wireless Architectures, in: Proc. of WWIC, 2015
- Waldir Moreira and Paulo Mendes, Impact of Human Behavior on Social Opportunistic Forwarding, in: Elsevier Ad Hoc Network, 2015
- Paulo Mendes, Combining Data Naming and Context Awareness for Pervasive Networks, in: Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2014
- Carlos Ballester, Jean-Marc Seigneur, Paolo di Francesco, Valentin Moreno, Rute C. Sofia, Alessandro Bogliolo, Nuno Martins, and Waldir Moreira, A User-centric Approach to Trust Management in Wi-Fi Networks (2013), in: Infocom 2013 - Demos Track (ULOOP project paper)
- Bruno Batista and Paulo Mendes, ICON - An Information Centric Architecture for Opportunistic Networks (2013), in: IEEE Infocom / NOMEN workshop
- Bruno Batista and Paulo Mendes, CCN support for Information-Centric Opportunistic Networking, CCNxCON2012, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 2012
- Rute C. Sofia, Paulo Mendes, José Manuel Damásio, Sara Henriques, Fabio Giglietto, Erica Giambitto, and Alessandro Bogliolo, Moving Towards a Socially-Driven Internet Architectural Design (2012), in: ACM SIGCOMM CCR Newsletter, 42:3
Theses and Dissertations
- Firdose Saeik, PhD programme NEMPS, Univ. Lusofona. Advisor: Rute Sofia. Edition 2012/2013
- PhD programme NEMPS, Univ. Lusofona. Advisor: Rute Sofia. Edition 2015/2016
- Ricardo Barbosa, Sensing Middleware: Collect and Share (MSc Dissertation), COPELABS / ECATI - University Lusofona, 2012
- Nelson Morais, Prototyping an Information Centric Architecture for Opportunistic Networks (MSc Dissertation), COPELABS / ECATI - University Lusofona, 2014
- Macaba Pedro, Personalized Sensing System, MSc dissertation, COPELABS / ECATI, University Lusofona, 2014
- Paulo Mendes, Self-organization in Networked Wireless Systems, Nokia Networks, Munich, Germany, June, 2015
- Paulo Mendes and Rute C. Sofia, Adoption of Social Principles into a Dynamic Internet Design, in: FISA 2012
- Paulo Mendes, People-centric Pervasive Sensing: Enabler for a reality-driven Internet, Talk at Telefonica Research, Barcelona, Spain, 2013
- Rute C. Sofia, Moving towards a socially driven Internet architectural design, 4th Future Internet Summit, University of Aveiro, 2013
- Rute C. Sofia, The Role of Pervasive Sensing in Connected Mobile Environments, TUM Kolloquium series, April 2014
- Rute C. Sofia, Pervasive Data Sharing, New Directions in IoT / Relevancy in an Industrial Internet, Event: Siemens AG CT IC2, 2014
- Paulo Mendes, Impact of Human Behavior on Social Opportunistic Forwarding, Network Architectures and Services research group, Technical University of Munich, 2014
- Bruno Batista, Information-centric Paradigm for Networked Objects (2011), in: API 4th Think-Tank meeting
- Bruno Batista, S-BRAIN #21: Information Centric networking: Evolution or Revolution?, S-BRAIN series 2011/2012, 2012
- Bruno Batista and Paulo Mendes, ICON – Information and Context Oriented Networking, Palo Alto, California, USA, 2013
- NSense, measuring social interaction. 2016
- CitySense, 2015. COPELABS Open Day
- Maestroo, an immersive sensing tool. 2012