Title: The COPELABS IoT Tesbed, an Overview
Abstract: IN this C-BRAIN we will go over the current work being developed in the IoT Lab COPELABS, focused on the analysis of networking architectures and communication protocols for IoT.
José Soares is a M.Sc. Student of Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and he is a junior researcher at COPELABS, working in the IoT lab' activities.
Rute C. Sofia (PhD 2004) is a Senior Researcher at the Cognitive and People-centric Computing R&D unit, and an Associate Professor of University Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, since 2010. She is also, since 2017, a Collaborator Researcher at ISTAR-IUL. Rute's research background has been developed on industrial and on academic context, and she has co-founded COPELABS (2012), research unit which she steered between 2013-2017. She has co-founded Senception Lda (2013), a startup focused on personal communication platforms.
Building U, first floor